One of the main reasons for our success was the hard work and inspiration that Rod Evans put into the club until he stood down earlier this year. His work brought him a well deserved award for Outstanding Contribution by an Individual. This award was passed on to Rod at the beginning of our film on Sunday, which was greeted by very warm applause from the audience. We all owe Rod a great deal.
Our Programming has also been the mainstay of our club; no matter how well you run a film night, people only keep coming if they appreciate the films. Keswick has always tried to stay ahead of the pack, for which David Miller deserves much thanks. We have been lucky to have the Keswick Alhambra Monday night programme delivering films that many other film clubs would be proud of, leaving us free to go one stage further in our film selection; thanks to David we have consistently delivered! Our selection of foreign language, art house and
documentary films stands up against any club.
It is also worth mentioning that our website and brochure are, in my humble opinion, as good if not better than any other club. The award for best website was combined with ‘best marketing’ this year, but taking a look at other leading club sites, Stephen Brown also deserves praise; Have a look at any of them and I think you will agree!
Vaughan Ames, KFC Chair