This years AGM will take place on Sunday 1st April, at 4.00pm at the Alhambra, just before the final film of the season, Coriolanus. Please come along, especially if you have any ideas to share about how the club is run or what we should be doing next year.
The committee changed a lot this year, with a new chair, vice chair and membership secretary and several new members and we hope we have kept the club running at the level you expect. All of us are willing to continue next year, except Tom Rennie who feels that his role as Treasurer could lead to a conflict of interest with his new role running the Alhambra. Tom is happy to remain on the committee. We are sure you will join us in thanking him for the incredible job he has done for the club over the years...and for keeping the Alhambra running for us now!
It does mean we need a new Treasurer, however. This role is vital for the club in itself and obviously would also give you a say in how the club is run as well. If you think you could take this on, please get in touch.