Sunday, April 03, 2022

The end of a restricted, but successful year

With the end of the Festival, our Film Club year comes to an end again. Covid meant we had a very restricted capacity, but we at least managed to keep going. We saw 21 films throughout the year, albeit with an average audience of only 65. Whilst Covid seems to be on the rise at the moment, let us hope that it continues to be beaten back and we can have next year without social distancing. The highest scoring Club film was 'The Father' with nearly 89% - the top scores are on the website.

Our thanks go to all who helped keep the club afloat - the committee, volunteers and, of course, the Alhambra.

So now we can hope to enjoy a good summer. Make the most of those glorious sunny days! We will be back in September with a new season of films to start our 24th year - watch this space for details - and, if all goes well, maybe a brochure for the first time in a while. We will also bring you occasional news of Alhambra films we think you might enjoy. Not only is their program now much more extensive (with two screen to fill!), but they are also going to put on some 'world cinema' films that David Miller and Jonathan Porter are choosing - we have agreed to email you the details as they come up.

Enjoy your summer everyone - see you in September!