Monday, December 12, 2022

Strawberry Mansion - Sunday 18th December 5pm

Imagine a world where everything is taxed, where product placement happens in your dreams. Imagine a world where these dreams are all recorded online via an 'air-stick' next to your bed... so that these can be taxed too.

James Preble is a tax man whose job is to audit your dreams. He calls on Bella, an old lady, who has no tax records; she hasn't updated her hardware. So far so simple (!?) What happens when he starts to audit her dreams takes him (and us) into a world of dreams where pretty much anything can happen, including falling in love...

"Beneath the crazy candy-coloured palette, there is actually some real human warmth in the love story, and the acting ensemble features some great comic performers in supporting roles..." - Leslie Felperin, Guardian