Thursday, March 01, 2012

Shorts Night - Sunday 4th March 5pm

We have what might be a first for the club; an evening of short films. After the success of the Osprey Awards at the Festival, we thought we should show more shorts at the club nights; they are not just films made by people who can't afford to make a full length film! If you want to see what can be done with almost no time to develop a theme, come along and see the winner of the Virgin Media Shorts Competition, for instance - how to make a thriller in just over 2 minutes! (Cleverly call '2:20' so no prizes for the actual length...)

We have a variety of films, some local, some international, some award winners, some we just liked; come and see for yourself what these directors of a different sort can do. The full list can be seen in the programme notes (pdf).