Monday, February 06, 2017

Sieranevada - Sunday 12th February 5pm

It is hard to say much about our Romanian film this weekend:  Sieranevada deliberately leaves most of the plot for you to work out as you watch it. All I will say, then, is that it is set in an apartment where a group of friends and relations are gathered. Their conversations are going to make you think about many of the world’s recent big issues - from Charlie Hebdo to communism – but also from food to infidelity. This is a film that you are going to have to think about, both during it and afterwards. In looking for an appropriately obscure review, I came across this one:-

"A film that tries to combine audiovisual and space-time manipulation with a background that pretends to be realistic by means of a technique that impresses but which, above all, seeks naturalness and efficiency" – Ok, this is from a Spanish critic -  Ignacio Navarro, El antepenúltimo mohicano  – but I just thought it says everything you need to know in advance..!

Maybe I should tell you one last thing; it was nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes last year.