Monday, January 08, 2018

Mimosas - Sunday 14th January 5pm

We are in for a visual and poetic treat this Sunday at 5.00 with the Moroccan Mimosas.  The film follows a modern day caravan taking a dying Sheik to his home, the medieval town of Sijilmasa. Led by three diverse young men, they decide to take a shorter path through the Atlas Mountains, but is there really a route that will take them to their destination? They are beset with trials, both physical and spiritual along the way, where "the movie's largely scenic pleasures — both visual and aural, with a great deal of windswept soundscaping — wouldn't necessarily be out of place in Ford or Hawks, whether it’s in a scene of river fording, a stunning shot of a lake by moonlight, or the simple sight of a mule nibbling at the sparse grass" – Ben Kenigsberg, Variety. Compared by some to Herzog's 'Aguirre: The Wrath of God', the film takes on a dreamy parable feel, so we can expect our thoughts to be provoked and our eyes to be feasted; as to why it is called Mimosas, we shall have to wait and see...